Carat Interactive

Media Buying / Planning

Back in the days of traditional media, the landscape was manageable, and fit nicely within the preconceived notions of marketing. Since then, media has evolved in ways no one could have predicted. Customers (in the business and consumer realms) have also evolved and are navigating this new media world in different ways:
• Boundaries have expanded, while the definition of "media" is much broader, encompassing everything from custom publishing to cell phones.

• Audiences are fragmented, and more choices mean divided attention. It's harder to find the right audience in large numbers (but easier to target).

• Customers are in control, and are not passively waiting for your messages. Chances are, they're choosing media that avoid advertising altogether.

The opportunity lies in finding ways to rise above the clutter and chaos, reaching your customer in ways both expected and unexpected. Carat Interactive understands how to utilize media to surround your customer with compelling messages (not just ads) that cause them to react and respond to you.