A New Book "Guruji, Teachings of a Hindu Saint" Published by Sunil Reddy

New book Guruji, Teachings of a Hindu saint is published and available on Amazon. Guruji Verahur Srinivasan is a God realized saint and his discussions and teachings are enclosed.

New York, NY, April 26, 2011 --(PR.com)-- New book Guruji, Teachings of a Hindu saint is published and available on Amazon. Guruji Verahur Srinivasan was a God realized saint and his discussions and teachings are enclosed.


Excerpts from book :

God has maintained an unbroken line of divinely inspired and self realised souls to guide the world. Such holy saints help not only deluded men, but also plants and animals. The whole world receives their blessings and their very presence helps others.

You should integrate the mantra and the breath. When this is done, just as the breath is natural for the physical body, the mantra becomes natural and when this continues during deep sleep, your Guru or God might come and give vision, you might hear shlokas, grasp things easily, receive instructions and mantras if necessary.

The mind should not be just an empty camp follower of an aggressive element of passion.

The mantra bursts the mind into its million pieces and what "is" remains. Great power is released within yourself, with the atoms of the body, but this must be used not for selfish gratification or for selfish ends but in the larger interest of society and one should be as a constant source of support, joy and sustenance to others.

Meditation is to go from Mano Laya (mental absorption in a Divine idea or concept) to Mano Nasha (negation of sense of difference with that idea) to Samadhi (total unity). And Samadhi or God Realisation is the birthright of every human.

Reflection is hundred times superior to hearing and meditation is one hundred thousand times superior to reflection but Nirvikalpa Samadhi is infinite in its results, where the Truth of the Brahman is clearly and definitely realised.

Guruji said, “Whatever you eat, first offer it to God and then eat.” All present did that and started to eat. Sunil said, “The Manu Smriti says, ‘Whatever a Brahmin may or may not do, only the silent repetition of the name of God governs His liberation.’” Guruji said, “Correct, but here and everywhere else in the Gita, etc. you should remember that ‘Brahmin’ does not mean the caste as it is known today but, the class of people, those who are born from the head of God, i.e. having the thinking capability, they are the intellectuals.”

Restrain speech in the mind, restrain the mind in intelligence, restrain the intelligence in awareness and merge also that awareness with the Brahman and attain supreme peace.

Sunil Reddy