The Orange Mailbox is an Alternative to Traditional Email, This is the Only Email Program That Eliminates Spam, No Spam Filter Needed

A new and unique way to send and receive email. The Orange mailbox uses a unique key for users to send and receive mail.

Los Angeles, CA, October 31, 2014 --( As an alternative to the traditional email programs, the orange mailbox is a new and unique way of sending and receiving emails. What makes the orange mailbox different? It does not use an email address to send and receive mail. An email address is still needed to register on the site and login to the site, but when a user registers on the site they receive a mailbox key. This key is a combination of letters and numbers that each user is given. No more spam filter is needed, just give your mailbox key to those that you want to receive mail from. Traditional email programs allow marketers to amass huge numbers of email addresses, and in turn send out millions of spam emails. The orange mailbox completely eliminates the possibility of your spam filling your inbox. Visit their site at ""
The Orange Mailbox
Trevor St.Clair