Dallas Wauson’s Newly Released "Restoring God’s Church to Holiness and Glory" is a Call to Renewal and Spiritual Revival

“Restoring God’s Church to Holiness and Glory” from Christian Faith Publishing author Dallas Wauson is a powerful exhortation to the Body of Christ to return to its foundational principles of holiness and devotion. Drawing from forty years of pastoral ministry and divine revelation, Wauson delivers a prophetic message that challenges believers to repent, rebuild, and reclaim the spiritual purity and power of the early church.

Dallas Wauson’s Newly Released "Restoring God’s Church to Holiness and Glory" is a Call to Renewal and Spiritual Revival
Corpus Christi, TX, May 10, 2024 --(PR.com)-- “Restoring God’s Church to Holiness and Glory”: a timely and urgent call to action for the global Christian community. “Restoring God’s Church to Holiness and Glory” is the creation of published author, Dallas Wauson, who has been in the pastoral ministry for forty years. He has pastored three churches, the last being River of Life Church in Eagle Pass, Texas.

Wauson shares, “God is greatly concerned about His Church. I am writing, not out of a desire to write books, but because God shared His heart with me and His concern. This book came from several dreams I had over a one-year period. I believe the Body of Christ is being called to repent, to rebuild God’s Church, and become the bride that His Son Jesus will come to receive, 'without spot or wrinkle.'

“It is time for churches around the world to arise, shake off the sin and ways of the world, and move in power to raise up God’s Church and be like Jesus: 'be about our Father’s business.'

“I have one book in print, The Way of Escape from the Darkness, printed by Christian Faith Publishing in Meadville, Pennsylvania. The book was released in December 2022. This is a good preparatory writing to read before this new book.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Dallas Wauson’s new book offers practical guidance and spiritual wisdom for churches and believers seeking to align themselves with God’s purposes in this critical hour. Through heartfelt prayers, stirring exhortations, and scriptural insights, Wauson invites readers to join him on a journey of repentance, renewal, and restoration.

Consumers can purchase “Restoring God’s Church to Holiness and Glory” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Restoring God’s Church to Holiness and Glory,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.
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