Tycho Softworks

Tycho Softworks

Tycho Softworks is a provider of professional services and commercial incident support worldwide to users of GNU Bayonne for both traditional wired circuits and the rapidly growing Voice-Over-IP (VOIP) telephony market. Our company develops solutions exclusively using Free and Open Source software. Our own software is publicly developed as part of the GNU Telephony community. While Tycho Softworks specifically helps to develop and provides commercial support for GNU Bayonne, we develop solutions using various free and open source licensed telephony software on GNU/Linux for our clients.

GNU Bayonne is the telecommunications application server of the GNU project and offers a GNU GPL licensed scalable, media independent software environment for development and deployment of telephony solutions for use both with current and next generation VOIP telephone networks. GNU Bayonne is in use today by over 1000 organizations worldwide. GNU Telephony is the meta project dedicated to the development and promotion of the use of free software for telephony and the organization promoting GNU Bayonne development.

Tycho Softworks offers solutions that improve communications by telephony enabling business processes. Our goal in offering telephony enabled solutions is to improve your efficiency and effectiveness whether communicating internally or with your customers. We generate value, opportunity, and peace of mind for our customers and our investors.

For further information:
by phone: +1 201 215 2609
by email: info AT tychosoft.com.


Private Company