Cyber Group

Cyber Group

We Collect Your Judgments, is a company dedicated to recovering debts for people who have won monetary judgments in court. We are not a collection agency, but a judgment enforcement company, which enables us a wider and more creative range of options for recovering judgment debts. We have a very high success rate at locating judgment debtors, uncovering their assets, and satisfying the judgment.
As a judgment holder, you have the right to assign your judgment to a third party. If you have been unable to collect on a judgment, we are interested in enforcing it for you. We track down the judgment debtor, locate hidden assets, and take whatever legal actions are necessary to satisfy the judgment. Our fee is a percentage of the funds that we actually recover. We even offer a lower fee for repeat customers and customers with multiple judgments.
There is a time limitation on enforcing a judgment. If a claim is not properly acted upon, it will expire! Please don't let the hard work that you have already put into winning your judgments go to waste.
Again, the out of pocket cost to you is nothing. We will bear all expenses involved in both the investigation and enforcement. You will receive payment as the judgment debtor's assets are discovered and seized, within ten days of receipt.

Private Company

Company History

Cyber Group

We Collect Your Judgments, is a company dedicated to recovering debts for people who have won monetary judgments in court. We are not a collection agency, but a judgment enforcement company, which enables us a wider and more creative range of options for recovering judgment debts. We have a very high success rate at locating judgment debtors, uncovering their assets, and satisfying the judgment.