I Giardini di Inarime

I Giardini di Inarime

It is Told that Tifeo, sent away from Olympus was imprisoned under Ischia Island...

...from then Ischia is "I Giardini di Inarime", land of fire and water.

From the healing and regenerating properties of the "Giardini di Inarime" our natural cosmetic products are bornstrictest test and lab's research, certify our creams, qualifying them among the best cosmetics in the marketplace.

A Ischia's piece in a Jar.
The cosmetics of "I Giardini di Inarime" enclose sun, warmness, colour and fragrances of this amazing land where time runs together nature's rhythm and wellness can be found in every single water drop.
The main ingredient is island enchantment, this is our secret

The packaging
Terracotta, as tradition and nature, a jar that multiplies its functionality and last in the times.
the simplicity of lines, between past and future makes out of our jar a precious gift strongly impregnated with island.

The Proposal
"I Giardini di Inarime" is looking for reliable partnerships in worldwide with the aim to improve its presence on the marketplace. We are also open to produce our cosmetic products on behalf of third parties.

Every proposals are welcome


Private Company