Inter-Tel Technologies

Message-On-Hold and Voice Announce

When you place callers on hold, don’t frustrate them with silence—motivate and educate your listeners with important information about your business. Inter-Tel offer on-hold and voice announce opportunities that are designed to reduce caller hang-ups, increase sales, and eliminate the risk of advertising for other companies through the use of radio-on-hold. Inter-Tel also offers interactive voice announce solutions specifically for cinemas and airport terminals.

Interalia® offers an extensive line of digital call processing and voice announcement solutions for call center announcements, call routing, music/message on-hold, automated attendant, attendant overflow, call screeners and public address systems. In addition, they offer products for airport terminal information systems and weather broadcast needs.

Inter-Tel Inter-Hold is a creative Inter-Tel service that provides customized audio programming for telephone hold. It is a proven revenue-producing, marketing and customer service tool. The professionally produced programs combine licensed music and personalized messages to educate callers and increase willingness to remain on hold.