Amazon Botanicals

Aphrodisiac for women

Price: $12.97
Clavo huasca is a large, woody vine that grows in the Amazon rainforest used as an aphrodisiac herb. The Shipibo-Conibo, Kayapo, and Assurini Indian tribes of the Amazon rainforest use Clavo huasca as an aphrodisiac for woman. It is a key ingredient in a famous herbal formula used as an aphrodisiac for woman that is widely available in the herbal markets and stores in Peru called Siete Raices (“Seven Roots”). This aphrodisiac herb is a very effective aphrodisiac for woman. Women report intense orgasms and heightened touch sensations when using Clavo huasca.

Since only ethically harvested wildcrafted Clavo huasca is used in our product, we can ensure you the freshest Clavo huasca without fillers. Other companies may buy from a middle man that is selling stale or adulterated herbs without the vital energy found in fresh naturally grown Clavo huasca.