60 PDU - one year membership PMP Recertification Bundle

The 60 PDU - one year membership is the most convenient and best value bundle for your recertification needs. Why waiting and risk losing your PMP certification? Subscribe to your recertification training now! You worked very hard to pass your PMP and receive a credential you totally deserve! Take now the right and convenient track to complete your mandatory recertification training for only $45 per month.

60 PDU for PMP Recertification - One Year membership Bundle Summary

Running out of time? Here is the perfect recertification bundle for you.

This 60 PDU - one year membership is very convenient and excellent value bundle for your recertification needs. Subscribe today and make sure you have all what you need to get recertified:

* Choose any course in our catalogue - up to 60 PDUs - and start your training anytime 24/7 during your one year subscription period.

* Pay only $45/month during your one year subscription. (Your total payment is only $540 for 60 PDUs, only $9 per PDUs!)

Training online with us is efficient, affordable and very convenient! As we are an accredited global provider of the PMI, you can easily report your PDUs to PMI with a few clicks of a mouse - all our recertification courses are listed in PMI PDU database.

This bundle of 60 PDUs training is all what you need to keep your PMP certification for another 3 years. It is as simple as that! Start your one year subscription now! Only $45 per month.