Susan Dench/Muddy Dog Media

Susan Dench/Muddy Dog Media

The Responsibility Rules: Living A Self-Disciplined Life in a Self-Entitled World

Price: $12.95
Part #:

ISBN 9780984751808

Susan Dench has had it with “victims” who play the “Blame Game!” You are responsible for your situation and you are not entitled to anything you haven’t earned. Entitlements are dead ends, and subscribing to a victim mentality is demeaning to those who think that way and detrimental to our society. In fact, this “free lunch” mentality leads to a lack of personal responsibility and ultimately the deterioration of democracy.
Playing the victim means that you have turned control of your life over to someone else. By taking responsibility for your actions, you develop a real sense of accomplishment and take back that control, which enables you to move forward and achieve any goal you put your mind to.
“The Rules” celebrates self-discipline over self-entitlement, excellence over mediocrity, character over victimhood.
Parents, take note.