Lam Institute for Hair Restoration

Female Hair Restoration

Female hair restoration is Dr. Lam’s specialty, unlike most clinics that perform the occasional female hair transplant, the Lam Institute for Female Hair Restoration frequently restores hair in women with all kinds and stages of hair loss. With one of the most extensive (if not the most extensive) before-and-after gallery in the world dedicated to female hair transplant along with numerous video and written testimonials, Dr. Lam has proven his dedication and his results with treating female pattern baldness.
Female hair transplants are a complicated subject that requires a breadth of knowledge, as hormonal and skin conditions can affect hair loss and make surgical hair transplant unsafe until all appropriate avenues have been investigated. As one of only about a hundred board-certified hair transplant surgeons in the world, Dr. Lam understands the nature of female hair loss and can make consultation referrals to his colleagues as deemed necessary and further understands when female hair transplant surgery is warranted and when it is not.

For more information on Female Hair Restoration please visit (Videos, Photos, FAQs, Forums, and more.)