Four Seasons Drycleaning Company Pvt Ltd

Four Seasons Drycleaning Company Pvt Ltd


Drycleaning is a process that cleans the clothes without water. In fact dry cleaning isn't really dry. The clothes do get wet, but not with water. The fact that there is no water is why the process is called "dry". The cleaning fluid that is used is a liquid solvent and all garments are immersed and cleaned in the solvent. Early dry cleaners used a variety of solvents, but now Perchloroethylene (Perc) became the overwhelming solvent choice for the industry, internationally. But unfortunately in India it remained as it was. In our country the age-old formula of using M.T.O. (commonly known as white-petrol) is still being used. We, at Four Seasons Drycleaning Company, decided to give Drycleaning a new face by introducing the latest in cleaning technology and the solvent of international choice - Perc.

Drycleaning removes oils that cannot be removed in washing, lessens shrinkage and stretching, and helps preserve the original color of most garments.