Bill Hunt Public Relations

Communications strategy

Writing brand and communication strategies has been my bread and butter for the past seven years. I know how to follow a brief and every plan is built on a strategy, every idea is backed by a rationale.

Perhaps the most high profile plan in recent years was the three stage PR, events and media targeting strategy to launch the new MINI I devised working with guerrilla marketing agency Cunning. I also came up with a methodology which gave a 'cost per impact' allowing an assessment of PR alongside other marketing disciplines. This meant MINI could prove the success of what might have been considered an unconventional marketing method.

More recent challenges have included coming up with a customer acquisition and brand building campaign aimed at a number of business audiences for private car hire company, Blueback.

I've devised communication plans for the Photo Imaging Council, a photographic trade association. The plans were designed to address a wide variety of consumer audiences and keep a diverse membership base happy.