Media Training & Presentation Skills

Price: $3,000.00
MAYO offers award-winning media training and public speaking and presentation skills. Season former working members of the press do real hands-on interviews that are video taped for TV training or recorded for radio training. Everything from dress to makeup to messaging is learned in one to three hours.

Text provided and each customer keeps his or her DVD, VCR or DVD recording
of the session.

For crisis communications MAYO can become available fulltime. For example:
George McQuade, V.P., spent four days at a Catholic High School working the
media and helping manage the crisis during the church scandal of alleged molestations and the resulting firing of all boys school principal.

McQuade was also on hand when Fire Inspectors red tag building as the
nation's largest Wildlife Waystation, where hundreds of lions and exotic
animals are cared for.

McQuade has talked network investigative reporters out of doing hit pieces on
clients to turning negative media situations into powerful proactive and positive media coverage that resulted in saving business and reputation, not to mention the CEO image. Our work is satisfaction guaranteed. We do not
guarantee media, we just get it.