Client's Brand

TVA Generation Partners Program

McFarland Pharmacy and Apothecary

TVA Generation Partners Program

Represented since 2009

Homes and businesses that participate in Green Power Switch® (GPS), a green power pricing program, are doing something good for the environment. TVA and participating power companies offer consumers an additional opportunity to help protect the environment—a program called Generation Partners. Generation Partners provides technical support and incentives for the installation of renewable generation systems. The program makes more green power available for GPS subscribers, and it creates a market for green power generation by homeowners and businesses.

•TVA will purchase all of the green energy output at a rate of 12 cents per kilowatt-hour for solar and 3 cents per kilowatt-hour for other renewable generation as a premium payment above the retail rate and any fuel cost adjustments. For example, if you pay your power company 10 cents per kWh for the electricity you use to your power your home each month, then TVA will pay you 22 cents (10 cents plus a 12 cent guaranteed premium) per kWh for 100% of the green energy generated from your solar photovoltaic system. Moreover, a 2 kW solar photovoltaic (PV) installation in the Valley averages 200 kWh per month or roughly $44 per month Generation Credit:
200kWh X $0.22/kWh (average retail rate of $0.10 + solar premium $0.12) = $44