Todays Woman Writing Community

Rose DesRochers

Founder and CEO


Rose DesRochers

Rose DesRochers is a published poet with more than 20 years experience in writing poetry. She and her husband, Shawn DesRochers, opened in 2002. A native of Belleville Ontario Canada, Rose has always had a deep love for writing. She has been published in a number of Ezines, journals and in a couple local papers, and is the author of her own poetry anthology. Rose handles the overall management and administration of, which includes: maintaining the official website, updating its articles, answering e-mails directed to the website, checking for bad links, posting newsletters, and taking care of advertising. In addition, she administrates the forums, trains new moderators, handles complaints, and invites new members. Her favorite pastimes are watching movies and spending time with her husband and two children. She is the founder of, a blogging community for bloggers.
