REACH Cut Planner

What is RCP?

REACH Cut Planner: The industry standard Cut Planning tool

Traditional Pattern Design, Grading and Marker Planning systems effect fabric savings within the marker.
What is often overlooked is the fact that substantial fabric savings can be made 'outside the marker' as well by optimal Cut Planning.

60 to 80% of apparel manufacturing cost is fabric cost. Any savings made in fabric impacts directly on product line profitability and overall organizational profitability.

REACH Cut Planner is the proven industry standard Cut Planning tool that uses techniques in combinatorial optimization and decision support to let you save significant quantities of fabric.

Finding the optimal allocation of markers, plies and rolls for orders of different sizes, colours, shades and widths is a challenge to the best cut planner. REACH Cut Planner lets you minimize fabric loss as end bits by optimal allocation of markers, plies and rolls automatically.

While REACH Cut Planner enables you saving significant quantities of fabric, this is NOT the only benefit.

REACH Cut Planner has larger organizational impact by

enabling informed management decisions by capture and analysis of Cutting Room data.
improving productivity by automating the "thinking process" in the Cutting Room.

An organization is a set of interrelated Processes. Process failures lead to loss of customers, loss of revenue and erosion of profits.

REACH Cut Planner will help you retain your customers, win your new customers, reduce your costs and ship your orders on time by giving you a platform for unparalleled process control in the Cutting Room.

What are the different modules in RCP?

REACH Cut Planner has the following modules

~ Automated Marker Allocation
~ Automated Plies Allocation
~ Automated Spread Planning
~ Automated Rolls Management
~ Fabric Reconciliation