Ultimate AGE Defense

Price: $39.95
Ultimate AGE Defense™ users enjoy:

•Younger, tighter skin
•Smooth, supple arteries
•Sharper concentration
•Clearer vision
•Balanced blood sugar levels
•Healthy kidney function

You need sugar. But your body simply isn't designed to cope with the 170 pounds(lbs.) of refined sugar the average American consumes every year.
This excess sugar triggers a process in your body called glycation—where rogue sugar molecules attach themselves to cells and tissues in your body and create mutant molecules called Advanced Glycation End-products, or "AGEs" for short.
AGEs crowd out your healthy cells and rob them of the essential nutrients they need to stay alive. They can accumulate in your body for years and trigger a host of health problems—such as blood sugar imbalances... premature wrinkles... vision problems... stiff arteries... and memory loss.
Diet alone is not the answer. You've got to get that excess sugar out of your body PRONTO! And that's where Ultimate AGE DefenseTM comes in...