
Part #:

Email Branding

OnLetterhead is:
- An everyday dynamic email solution. It plugs directly into your Outlook allowing you to add advertising and branding to every email you send!
- A full service software application. Unlike many of the other email branding tools available, OnLetterhead does not concentrate on the "Header - Footer" designs. When we discuss "Header/Footers", we mean graphics at the top and at the bottom but nothing on the sides or in-between. We think they do a great injustice to the corporate image you have worked so hard to maintain.
- Only $6.00 a month and sets up within minutes!

OnLetterhead is not:
- An email newsletter nor is it email stationary. It is a dynamic solution that will help increase sales, provide professionalism and make your email stand out!
- An email "blast" marketing campaign. It interfaces directly with Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express to be used with your daily email correspondences.

These are only a few of the main differentiating points of OnLetterhead. With so much time and effort spent in the development of the usability of the product, we are sure that you will notice the power when you first use it! Imagine sending fully branded emails with one click of the mouse!
We would like you to see the power of the service for yourself. Please head to to watch a short, 3 1/2 minute presentation about OnLetterhead. While you're there, sign up for our no-obligation, free 15-day test drive.