LiceDoctors Identifies Ten Most Common Places to Pick Up a Case of Head Lice

As "lice season" kicks off, LiceDoctors Lice Treatment Service identifies the most likely ways to contract a case of head lice. Although it is impossible to avoid head lice, knowing when and where you are most vulnerable allows people to take precaution when in certain situations. LiceDoctors has been treating families with head lice for 2 decades

Bethesda, MD, May 31, 2017 --( The words "head lice" are high up on the list of words that parents do not want to hear about with respect to their child. Seeing your child with an itchy scalp makes most parents a bit panicky. More and more, however, head lice are becoming part of every day life in today's times. No one is resistant to lice and the incidence is rising in all over the nation.

LiceDoctors Lice Treatment Service, the nation's largest lice removal service , cites reasons for the prevalence of lice today. According to owner, Wendy Beck, lice have developed a resistance to chemical lice treatments. Parents do not always realize this and unwittingly treat their children and send them back to school with still active cases. Second, many schools have dropped their "no nit" lice policies and now allow students in to school who may not be doing proper follow-up plans.

According to Beck, it is important for people to know where they are at most risk for contracting head lice. Between 6 and 12 million cases of lice are reported among school age children each year in the U.S. Following are likely places and ways people transfer head lice:

1. Classrooms--children are in the highest risk category for getting head lice as lice are usually transferred from head to head contact and young children tend to socialize in close physical proximity to each other.

2. Within a family setting--if a child has head lice, the odds are over 70% that she or he will transfer head lice to her/his mother or siblings. Lice are highly contagious. Fathers are at lower risk for getting head lice.

3. At a slumber parties--when a child sleeps in close quarters with another child who has a lice infestation there is a likelihood that the lice will crawl from head to head. Lice do not like to stay off the head for very long as they need human blood and temperature to survive, so if a bug leaves one head it will go directly onto the nearest person's head.

4. Through group athletics--enthusiastic kids love group hugs after a softball hit, basketball victory, or a soccer goal. The head-to-head proximity facilitates the transmission of lice; some people do not have an itchy scalp and do not even know that they have an active lice infestation. Also sharing a batting helmet or softball cap may contribute to the spread of lice, although far less often than direct head-to-head contact.

5. Birthday parties--although these events are part of every day life, again children are playing together, particularly younger children, and therefore increasing their chances of getting lice.

6. Mat exercises--this goes for adults who attend yoga or Pilates studios and use studio mats as well as children who attend gymnastics classes or are on gymnastics or tumbling teams. People should not share mats and any mats that are used by a team should be wiped down frequently.

7. On mass transit or in a movie theatre--although lice can only live for one day off the head, if a person were to sit in a movie theatre seat or on a bus, train, subway, or plane seat that was inhabited by an person with lice shortly before the second person sat there, a louse may be waiting on that seat. Wiping off the seat before sitting down will knock the bug off the seat.

8. Selfies--although not a major way of transferring lice due to the short time the heads are together for the camera shot, lice may have enough time to crawl from one person to another.

9. Children engaging in video games--this is actually a perfect scenario for lice to travel from head to head. Children sitting side by side for hours make it very easy for a louse to leave one head and go to another one.

10. Summer camp--another prime venue for the transmission of lice, particularly sleep-away camps. Overnight campers pass time hanging out on each others' beds while in the bunk. Children at day camp, though, also have ample opportunity to share lice through the day to day activities and close contact with friends.

According to Beck, "Lice have been around for millions of years and although they are unwanted visitors, they are hearty and are likely here to stay. They are part of the perils of every day life especially for children and their families. While they do not carry disease, they are a nuisance."

Beck recommends using hair gel or mousse or lice repellent spray when in high risk situations to help to ward off an infestation as bugs find it easier to latch onto clean hair. Also putting long hair up in a bun or braid makes the hair less accessible to the lice.

If you find yourself itching or suspect that you have head lice, give LiceDoctors a call at 800-224-2537 or visit online at The company makes house calls 7 days a week from 7 am until midnight and has successfully treated over 300,000 clients.
Wendy Beck