Compliant Controls, LLC

Compliant Controls, LLC
Compliant Controls, LLC

Erosion and sediment control monitoring service, Compliant Controls, is servicing builders and developers in the Greater Kansas City Area.

Approximately 70% of all storm drains lead directly to open waterways, often without treatment. And Stormwater runoff is our most common cause of water pollution. By monitoring development sites, Compliant Controls provides digital documentation to developers, builders, and other related industries, of non-compliant sediment and erosion control measures, thus helping to protect our waterways.

“We are excited to help protect Kansas City’s waterways and save our clients money at the same time,” says Dee Selley, Managing Agent for Compliant Controls.

Compliant Controls, LLC will be offering a free workshop on erosion and sediment control later this year.

For More Information:

Dee Selley,
Managing Agent
11944 W. 95th St, #214
Lenexa, KS 66215

Private Company