Shopping at New Adventures

Shopping at New Adventures

Shopping at New Adventures has been actively involved in Marketing, selling and the distributing of wireless weather station;  and wind meters for last 7 years.  We carry LaCrosse Technology and Nielsen Kellerman lines.  NK Kestrels are world leader in Handheld weather trackers and wind gauges.  LaCrosse Technology has been pioneer in atomic time and RF weather stations for over decade.

  WE also carry specialty travel essentials and have also been involved in the Importation and distribution of hard to source exotic Health and nutritional extracts from South Africa and other regions.  We sell super-grain and anti-oxidant products;  we work with brokers, reps, storefronts and Ship worldwide.

The popularity of "GREEN SUPER FOODS" cannot be denied. Natural products enhance our well being and promote longevity. We just recently started working with UMAC-CORE. Phytoplankton Marine Algae thats derived from the sea is entirely natural and offers nutrients simply not available through most other products. Unlock the secrets of the ocean for use in your cells, and unlock your true health potential.

UMAC-CORE incorporates potentially over 200 wild microalgae found growing in the pristine coastal waters on the West Coast of Canada, each species contributing distinctive and enriching properties. These nutrients promote and maintain optimum health by boosting and supporting all systems within the human body. Our exclusive, proprietary process allows the cellular material to be readily available to the body, affording you the maximum benefits of Earth's most perfect food source.

Private Company