American Success Marketing

American Success Marketing

Cuba The Tarnished Pearl

Price: $18.95
Author: Domingo Ivan is known for his writing skills and his motivational and goal setting talks. Domingo is available to speak at your Company or Organization on his book &/or to motivate your group.

CUBA THE TARNISHED PEARL has been in the makings for 30 years. When Domingo's father handed him a Journal and Memoirs of happenings in Cuba since the early 1900's. His father made a simple request of his son: Take this journal and memoirs and 30 years after my death write a book about it. My father passed away in January 1976, I am about six months early just in time for Fathers Day 2005. This book is not only a promise from a son to his father
but a history, personal accounts and journey to freedom.

You will be able to read some excerpts at:

You will read about Castro, Batista, Che, Bay of Pig Invasion, Missile Crisis, and much more. Here are a few excerpts:

DOMINGO WRITES ABOUT THE PEOPLE OF CUBA: But Just who are the Cuban People?

Are they the aboriginal Ciboney Indians who inhabited the island when discovered by Christopher Columbus in October of 1492, and were driven to extinction some 200 years later? Are they the descendants ofthe Spanish explorers who conquered the original inhabitants and created a new society based on European mercantile exploitation? Or is Cuba the African people who were brought to the island as slaves, and who later won their independence as free and equal people near the end of the 19th Century?

YOU WILL ALSO READ ABOUT FIDEL CASTRO EARLY YEARS: Fidel maintained his image as a "country boy" among his mostly urban classmates. From the beginning of his Prepatory school at age 16 Fidel's rebellious and cynical contempt for any institutional authority made him a nonconformist. He favored "humble" dress and paid little attention to "polite" society or social protocol. His often dirty appearance earned him the nickname, bola de Churre(Dirtball). He shunned social events for hikes in the wild forests of Cuba. Like his father, Fidel displayed many violent tendencies from early age.

DOMINGO ALSO WRITES ABOUT THE BAY OF PIG INVASION: One of the most tragic, embarrassing and shameful events in Cuban-American relations was the now infamous Bay of Pigs invasion of April 1961. The defeat was a slap in the face of the powerful American Government, which hatched the invasion plan, and then waffled and vacillated at a time when only bold action could have saved the day. The lives lost by the brave and patriotic Cuban men were lost in a battle which they should have won easily if a few minor decisions had been made differently by Kennedy.

YOU WILL ALSO READ ABOUT THE AMERICAN LIBERAL MEDIA DURING CASTRO'S SIERRA MAESTRA DAYS: The New York Times published a three-part series written by New York Times reporter Herbert Matthews. Matthew was a 30-year veteran reporter with strong liberal bent. Castro portrayed himself to Matthew as a pro-democracy revolutionary interested only in liberty, social justice, the need for constitutional order, and the restoration of free elections. Castro used Matthews to the full extent knowing he had a sympathetic, and extremely impressionable writer at his disposal. In fact, Castro was an avowed Marxist in every respect. His central goal was to bring hard-line communism to Cuba, but he knew that stating such an intention would make for extremely bad press in America. The result was a gigantic public relations victory for Castro.