
Price: $9.95
DESCRIPRION:Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, which is caused by deficiency of the insulin hormone or the inability of the body cells to use the available insulin. In the management of Diabetes, prevention of complications and ensuring health is very much essential. is formulated to ensure long lasting optimum sugar control through multiple action. This suppliment besides relieving symptoms such as thirst, frequent urination etc also helps to regenerate beta cells of pancreas to secrete insulin. It prevents the complications, protects the vital organs and ensures a sense of well being.

DOSAGE: 2 Tablet twice a day with water after meals. For best results, take 4 tablets a day, 2 after lunch and 2 after dinner for 3 months. You will notice the results thence. 

• Stimulates insulin secretion and regenerates B cells.

• Quickly relieves the symptoms such as frequent urination, thirst, controls urine sugar & blood sugar.

• Improves peripheral utilization of glucose and minimizes the absorption of glucose from the intestine.

• Prevents skin infection, retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy.Prevents skin infection, retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy.

• Reduces the cholesterol.

• Overcome fatigue and tones up the body.

• Lasting sugar control even after the withdrawal of the drug.

• Safe and can be prescribed with other drugs.

• Effective in both obese and non-obese diabetes.

• Non Insulin dependent Diabetes mellitus and as blood sugar reducer.