
Price: $8.95
DESCRIPTION: Arthritis is one of the disorders of movable bone joints and muscles. Starting from hands, progressively, it affects all the joints resulting in inflammation, pain, stiffness, damage to cartilage, immobility etc. Ankylosing Spondilytis is a severe form of arthritis affecting the lower back and sometimes hip joints and is generally seen in elderly people. Cervical Spondilytis is more common in young adults. This suppliment is especially formulated to provide a long lasting relief in arthritis & inflammatory conditions of joints. It reduces RA factors, ESR, minimize cartilage destruction by modifying the disease pattern. Unlike modern medication, NSAIDS it does not produce gastric irritation & can be safely used without any side effects.

DOSAGE: Rheumatic conditions, Rheumatoid and osteo arthritis - 2 tablets twice daily for three weeks followed by 1 tablet twice daily minimum for 12 weeks.
• Non-rheumatic inflammatory arthritis, Spondylitis, fractures, fibrosis's sciatica, chronic ache, occupational complaints (stiffness, ache in neck and body) - 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily according to severity of pain, or as directed by physician. 

• Reduces RA factor & ESR

• Minimizes cartilage loss and prevents deformities

• Relieves occupational pain in cervical region

• Relieves morning stiffness & improve grip strength

• No gastric irritation & no side effect

• Safe on long-term use.

• Proven analgesic anti-inflammatory action

• Immune modulation action

USEFUL IN: • Arthritis, Spondylitis, joints pain & musculoskeletal pain.