Tiki Shark Hawaii Announces Exclusive Distribution Deal with JGR COPA LLC

Kailua Kona, HI, September 08, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Kailua Kona – HI-- Tiki Shark Hawaii Inc. has just announced that it has inked an exclusive manufacturing and distribution deal with Florida based JGR COPA LLC. Distribution covers the Caribbean, Canada and over 20 States nationwide. Products included in the deal are COPA’s private label towel business plus an extensive line of Body Glove licensed printed and jacquard towels.

According to Abbas Hassan, Senior VP of Sales and Marketing for Tiki Shark Hawaii, “the Tiki – COPA partnership will result in increased production and import volumes, hence keeping the towel pricing for its clients stable without compromising quality.”

Jack Goldszer, President - JGR COPA LLC added “we are very pleased of having the opportunity to partner with Tiki Shark Hawaii and expanding our 2009 line of towels.”

Products and designs under this deal will be displayed at the JGR COPA booth at Surf Expo Sept 12 – Sept 14 2009.

Tiki Shark Hawaii Inc is headquartered in Kailua Kona, quoted as “one of the fastest growing island lifestyle companies in Hawaii” by Hawaiian Style magazine. They pride themselves in the production of high quality beach towels with cutting edge designs.

JGR COPA LLC is headquartered in Hollywood Florida is a distribution giant with heavy presence on the East Coast, the Caribbean and Canada. They have been in the “Beach, Sport, Surf” business for over 20 years.

To Get More Information on This Topic or to Schedule an Interview Call 808 989 7310 or email at info@tikishark.com

Tiki Shark Hawaii
Abbas Hassan
808 989 7310