Premier Baby Boomer Site Now Offers Classified Advertising for MLMs

A highly-ranked Baby Boomer site has added the capability for multi-level marketing businesses to advertise directly to retiring Boomers, most of whom must supplement their retirement income through a home business.

San Diego, CA, October 04, 2010 --( Pacifica Endeavors LLC announced today that it has added a classified ads capability for multi-level marketing (MLM) businesses to its website. Placement of the first month’s ad is free with payment for the second month. provides tips, advice and resources to Baby Boomers who are facing retirement on a reduced or limited income. Most have seen a sharp reduction in retirement savings and their home equity evaporate due to the “Great Recession.”

“We are responding to many inquiries from MLM businesses as well as Baby Boomers themselves. Laid-off or retiring Boomers are an ideal target market for MLM businesses, as most Boomers are eager to start a home business,” states Al Kernek, CEO of Pacifica Endeavors LLC, the site’s owner. “These are trying times for Baby Boomers who have been forced into early retirement. Most need to supplement their retirement income. If we can help them align with a legitimate MLM business, we are happy to do so.”

Multi-level marketing is simply a distribution method, normally requiring the recruitment of “down lines” to be successful. Major keys to success are offering a high-demand, proven product or service at a competitive price. While most MLMs are legitimate, some are pyramid schemes. The challenge facing prospective business partners is to distinguish between the two by accomplishing thorough research before making an investment of time, energy and resources.

Pacifica Endeavors LLC
Al Kernek