End-To-End Manufacturing Case Study Offered by To-Increase

Case study details how one company was able to achieve automated end-to-end manufacturing process with Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Norwell, MA, April 04, 2011 --(PR.com)-- To-Increase, a provider of Microsoft Dynamics solutions, offers a new end-to-end manufacturing case study with its blog post, Microsoft Dynamics AX Case Study: Automated End-To-End Manufacturing.

Microsoft Dynamics AX Case Study: Automated End-To-End Manufacturing, shares the success of Met-Pro, a global provider of product recovery, pollution control and fluid handling application solutions. Due to the very nature of its industry, the products and solutions Met-Pro provides for its clients are extremely technical and exacting.

"In 2008, Met-Pro began searching for a solution that would provide for more efficient product development and stronger project visibility," writes blog post author Luciano Cunha, Global Industry Directory, To-Increase. "This search was driven by the demand for a software solution that would support an automated and streamlined end-to-end manufacturing process."

Quickly, Microsoft Dynamics AX emerged as the solution that would help Met-Pro achieve its goal of more efficient manufacturing operations and enhanced process visibility.

Within the case study, Met-Pro Strengthens and Streamlines Processes, several key capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics AX are revealed that are helping this company achieve an automated end-to-end manufacturing process, including:
· Global visibility into all project information
· Automated project approvals, ensuring leaner product development
· Seamless flow of information, both to customers and to internal Product modules

“From end-to-end, our entire manufacturing process is automated,” quotes Robin Schroeder, IT Director, Met-Pro. "Through Microsoft Dynamics AX, we have a better foundation to build a stronger business relationship with our customers.”

Read the complete post, Microsoft Dynamics AX Case Study: Automated End-To-End Manufacturing, by visiting To-Increase blog at: http://blog.to-increase.com/end-to-end-manufacturing-case-study/ . Within this post, you will have the opportunity to request the case study, Met-Pro Strengthens and Streamlines Processes, published in Prime Magazine.

About To-Increase
As a global ISV and Microsoft Gold Certified partner, To-Increase develops solutions for industry verticals, including highly specific Industrial Equipment Manufacturing, retail, wholesale, construction, distribution, and professional services segments. We offer end-to-end solutions built on Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft Dynamics NAV, along with a wide range of business integration and add-on software for Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM solutions. We also develop e-Con, the leading sales and product configurator for Microsoft Dynamics. To-Increase has been recognized as the Microsoft Dynamics Outstanding ISV of the year for both 2009 and 2010, and has been a member of the Microsoft President’s Club and Inner Circle for three consecutive years. Our solutions are delivered worldwide through a network of highly trained partners.

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Catie Bosworth