Amber Stick Version 2 - Fully Portable Storage Device Now Can Accommodate Electronic DNAPrint Sequence and Identifying Information for All Family Members, Including Pets

Fully Portable Storage Device Now Can Accommodate Electronic DNAPrint Sequence and Identifying Information For All Family Members, Including Pets

Mandeville, LA, May 17, 2007 --( Code Amber™, Amber Stick™, and DNAPrint™ Genomics today announced the release of Version 2.0 software for the world’s only completely portable USB storage device, which is also capable of storing DNA sequencing information. The software needed to run the application is contained on the Amber Stick and is password protected.

Amber Stick, the only such device carrying the Code Amber endorsement, is now capable of storing information and photographs of all family members, including pets. If a child or other human family member is missing, the Amber Stick is presented to a law enforcement officer along with the password. The officer is then able to transmit the information directly to headquarters using their onboard computers in the police car. In the case of a missing pet, the software automatically creates a flyer ready to print. Missing person posters can also be created in seconds.

Bryant Harper, President of Code Amber, says, “Every piece of vital information for the entire family, including photographs, is securely stored on a device that is no larger than a lipstick. It’s with you all the time.”

According to Craig Conway, National Director of Sales for Amber Stick, this is the most comprehensive family information storage system on the market today. Unlike similar devices, it does not limit the number of family members; all can be included; and it’s the only one that can store your DNA sequence.

DNA electronic sequencing is provided by DNAPrint Genomics. President, Richard Gabriel agrees. “It is important to have that information at your fingertips. Many families are having their DNA analysis done, and now that information can be readily available in case of emergency,” he said.

Amber Stick can be very useful in cases where families have to evacuate their homes because of weather related emergencies or fires. Family member’s medication names and dosages can be stored in the information section in each profile.


Based in Mandeville, La., Code Amber is the most recognized distributor of Amber Alerts on the Internet, reaching over 330,000 web sites and personal computers. A leader in the field of child advocacy, Code Amber offers a range of products and services to law enforcement, media, corporations and the public dealing with Amber Alert notification, child safety and information storage. Code Amber’s signature Java Script Amber Alert Ticker and XML feed are used throughout North America. For more information, visit

Code Amber LLC
Linda Spagnoli