Brings the Power of Joint Ventures to Online Businesses

Roaming Alone and Naked in Cyberland or Doing Online Business? Most online businesses are that way - without teams to side with them. brings the power of joint ventures to online businesses. is a resource for people venturing into online business.

New York, NY, May 25, 2008 --( Roaming Alone and Naked in Cyberland or Doing Online Business?

In the famous fable, the emperor’s new clothes were never seen by anyone around the emperor, but the emperor really had no one on his side to tell him that. In today’s world of ebusiness, it is necessary to have people and companies on your side, lest you are left roaming naked in cyberland with a bunch of sycophants.

New online businesses don’t realize the importance of partnerships and joint ventures because it is so easy to fall prey to the hype that online business is something that can be done from the confines of your home without the need or trouble to collaborate. This is a fallacy. Online business needs joint ventures more than any other form of business. This is because online startups are small sized teams trying to do everything by themselves, which can be disastrous.

Collaboration is both easy and effective for online ventures than for offline ones since there are collaboration tools and social tools to help them. A lot can be achieved through jvs, if only there is proper vision and training given to webpreneurs. which specializes in web consultancy has now brought a new book by Biz Khan (of course it’s a pen name – more of this on the site) which deals in depth with the subject of joint ventures and shows online entrepreneurs how they can find and cut jv deals that can make their business grow in leaps and bounds and leaves the competition dumbfounded.

The book comes with a free offer of email brainstorming support by the author on the customer’s particular case. This is both important and highly useful since online businesses are notoriously different from one another and expert advice on a case to case basis is highly valuable – even more important than the book itself. The email consultancy and brainstorming is limited to the first few customers only since it would not be sustainable to offer this to too many people.

For more details visit

The url of the book review is:

The url of the free brainstorming offer is:

You may contact the author at bizkhan (at) For the benefit of those who are new - the email address is written in a way to fool email address gathering scripts. The (at) should be replaced with @

Muhammad Ebrahym