"Is There a Jewish Way to Write Science Fiction Movies and Books?" Asks Yonatan Gordon, Founder of Kabbalah Site CommunityofReaders.org

As Jewish educators seek to interest today’s youth, they are awakening to the need to reach kids with topics they are already interested in. With the success of Jewish takes on the cinema, from Aish.com’s Jewlarious section, to JerusalemOnlineU.com’s “Cinema: The Jewish... - July 17, 2013

Jewish Response from CommunityofReaders.org to the New Fantasy Fiction Novel, "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" by Neil Gaiman

While there are many responses and reviews written in response to Neil Gaiman’s new fantasy novel, “The Ocean at the End of the Lane,” the one place you wouldn’t expect to weigh-in is a website of Jewish content. But that’s exactly what happened earlier this... - June 19, 2013

New Book on Kabbalah from Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh Explores Modern Physics Through the Lens of the Torah

In the new book “Lectures on Torah and Modern Physics (The Lectures in Kabbalah Series),” from world-renowned Kabbalist and author of more than 100 books, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, we have an answer to our quandary. Perhaps a collection of thoughts merits being called a book, when they inspire a line of books after it? - May 22, 2013

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