Wild Africa Explorers Supports Work to Eradicate Female Genital Mutilation

Wild Africa Explorers will be working with ICOD Action Network for one year, to help Female Genital Mutilation victims get reconstructive surgery and support grass-roots organizations of women working to end the Female Genital Mutilation. The company hopes that this will kick-start a global movement to advance health equity. Clients can also take part in this movement and win an all expense paid exclusive Gorilla Trekking Safari to Uganda. - December 14, 2016

Announcing the Launch of a Fully-Featured Africa Safari Website

Wild Africa Explorers is pleased to announce the launch of its fully-featured website, www.wildafricaexplorers.com. The new site has extensive content including discounted and Eco-tourism tour packages that benefit you, communities, wildlife and environments. Wild Africa Explorers website is... - September 12, 2016

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