How to Spend Millions of Dollars - of Other People's Money welcomes Ask The Buyer to its growing family of advice columns. Targeted for the dual niche markets of corporate purchasing and general sales, Ask The Buyer serves two purposes: it’s a resource for buyers to get advice and information on different aspects of their own profession and it’s a secret weapon for salespeople – providing the one thing they lust after almost as much as a signed order – access to the people who make buying decisions in corporations. - November 26, 2005

I Wouldn't Eat That If I Were You - Restaurant Secrets Revealed welcomes Restaurant Secrets to its growing family of advice columns. What goes on behind the scenes? What does it take to run your favorite eatery. Restaurant Secrets columnist Anna knows. - November 25, 2005

You Have Questions. Mark Has Answers. Let's Hope They Match. welcomes QuestionMark! to its growing family of advice columns. QuestionMark! tackles questions from people of all ages on any topic imaginable (and a few unimaginable ones as well) from the timely to the trivial and from the historical to the hysterical. QuestionMark! appeals to a myriad of readers, not just a specialized niche. - November 24, 2005

Is Your Writing On Life support? welcomes Ask The A+ Editor to its growing family of advice columns. The column is provided courtesy of A+ Editors found at, which offers writing, proofreading, and editing services for students, business people, and members of the general public. - November 23, 2005

Passing the Advice Torch to a New Generation & Gender welcomes Dear Matthew to its growing family of advice columns. Dear Abby and Ann Landers have been staples of American society for 50 years and are still found in thousands of newspapers. In this digital age, it's time to pass the advice torch to a new generation - meet Dear Matthew. - November 22, 2005

Live From Totally Clueless University… Dear Incompetencia welcomes Dear Incompetencia to its growing family of advice columns. Want to know why nothing at your college ever goes right? Welcome to the administrative offices of Totally Clueless University, home of everybody's favorite do-nothing, know-nothing, academic administrative assistant, Incompetencia. - November 21, 2005

Fred, the Advice Guy Dishes Out “Straight” Forward Advice welcomes E-Male Advice to its growing family of advice columns. Fred, the Advice Guy (that's F.A.G. to you acronym fans) is a different kind of gay columnist. He respects his readers so much that he actually holds them accountable for appropriate behavior! - November 20, 2005

Is There Intelligent Life Outside Those Cubicle Walls? welcomes Deskbound Dan to its growing family of advice columns. Nasty boss? Annoying co-workers? Dead-end job? Is your life worse than an episode of The Office? Then Deskbound Dan is the column for you. - November 19, 2005

Move Over, Martha – It’s Time To Clean Up With Ellen welcomes Cleaning Up With Ellen to its growing family of advice columns. Ellen uses her wit and wisdom to help readers through their household dilemmas. Desperate housewives and people from all walks of life depend on Ellen to save time, solve problems, and make their personal domestic dramas a little easier. Whether one lives on Wisteria Lane or in Wells, Maine… from kitchen disasters to dirty laundry, from outdoor chores to super stains, Ellen has a solution. - November 17, 2005 Puts the World of Advice at Everyone’s Fingertips

The needs of editors searching for advice content and consumers searching for advice can now be met at one website: Columns focus on a diverse array of topics and are available for print and online syndication. Personalized advice services are offered directly to consumers with the guarantee that their individual issues will be addressed promptly and thoughtfully in a private forum, tailored specifically to them. - November 13, 2005

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