NAMWOLF Members Push for the Inclusion of Minority and Women Owned Businesses in Bailout Legislation

NAMWOLF Members Work to Ensure Minority and Women Owned Law Firms are Included in Congress’ “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.”

Washington, DC, October 02, 2008 --( The law firm members of the National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) recently petitioned their respective members of Congress to guarantee that the bailout legislation provided opportunities for minority and women owned businesses.

Section 107(b) of the proposed “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008” would permit the Secretary of the Treasury to waive any provision of the Federal Acquisition Regulation regarding minority contracting, provided that the Secretary develops and implements procedures to ensure the inclusion of utilization of minorities and women, and minority-and women-owned businesses. NAMWOLF supports this position.

Emery Harlan, Chairman of NAMWOLF, wrote a letter to Congresswoman Gwendolynne Moore pleading, “Even though the nation is in crisis, issues such as diversity cannot afford to be overlooked in the justifiable rush to resolve the crisis. Accordingly, this is to ask that you work to make sure any legislation creating the [Resolution Trust Corporation (“RTC”)]-type corporation, include diversity requirements similar to those imposed by the RTC.”

Lisa Greer Quateman of Quateman LLP, a NAMWOLF law firm member, reached out to California’s Senators explaining, “These smaller businesses serve an increasingly important role in our nation’s economy and many played a significant role in the savings and loan turn around of the late 1980s and early 1990s. We are also among the hardest hit businesses as a result of the current financial crisis. To ensure that these businesses survive and have opportunities to contribute their talents toward the recovery of our financial system, we strongly urge that you support the inclusion of a mandate for equal contracting opportunity similar to that which is contained in [Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA)].”

NAMWOLF will discuss what effects the bailout plan will have on minority and women owned law firms during its fourth Annual Meeting and Law Firm Expo in Dallas, Texas on November 13 and 14, 2008. This topic will be discussed in detail at the conference during the “CLE: Developing New Business - How to Effectively Respond to RFP's.” The Annual Meeting will provide extensive networking opportunities and programs for in-house counsel who are interested in advancing diversity in the legal profession. The Law Firm Expo will enable in-house counsel to identify and meet one-on-one with attorneys from the leading minority and women owned law firms in the U.S. For more information please call 414-277-1139 or visit

The National Association of Minority & Women Owned Law Firms ( was founded in June 2001. Headquartered in Milwaukee, NAMWOLF is a national trade association that advocates for promoting true diversity in the legal profession by fostering the development of long lasting relationships between preeminent minority and women owned law firms and private/public entities.

The National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms
M. Sharon Beans