Point of Reference Announces Record Growth in 2008

Denver-Based Reference Management Company Finds Success Despite Turbulent Economy.

Denver, CO, February 05, 2009 --(PR.com)-- In the midst of an economy where most companies are struggling, a Colorado-based company recently announced exponential growth for 2008 and promising predictions for the future. Point of Reference, the premier provider of customer reference program services, has eluded the recession by doubling revenue each year for the past four years. The company’s solution offerings, ReferenceStor reference management solution and TruPoints candid recorded reference interviews, combined with a strong commitment to their customer’s success have made them an invaluable partner to a number of loyal Fortune 1000 high-tech companies.

“The unstable economy has caused greater scrutiny on opportunities any sales person is currently working on making references that much more important,” said David Sroka, president and CEO of Point of Reference. “We have seen a consistent growth in the Point of Reference business due to the fact that our services are a necessity in a down economy, as well as a stable one.”

The company began in 2003 during challenging economic conditions. Nurturing and growing the company in the midst of a recession helped Point of Reference create products that are valuable in both difficult and prosperous times. With ReferenceStor, TruPoints and other services such as content creation utilizing customer interview content to create valuable sales tools like case studies, podcasts, and YouTube videos and services to help drive program adoption, sales teams are able to free-up valuable time and resources, a scarce commodity in the midst of tough economic times. Point of Reference’s substantial growth can also be partially attributed to the fact that the majority of customers have seen such a high return on investment, that they engage the company for additional products and services.

"Point of Reference is a valuable partner to us," said Corrie Callenbach, Customer Reference Program Manager at Aspect. "During the past year, our customer reference program has grown and the demand for references has increased significantly. Point of Reference not only gave us the tools and expertise to make that happen, but they were with us every step of the way to ensure seamless implementation. To date, the vast majority of our sales and marketing team uses the Point of Reference solution during the sales process."

Point of Reference expects sustained growth in the coming year. In addition to continuing current customer relationships and forging new ones, the company plans to focus on helping customers leverage the social media channel as part of their program strategy. For more information, contact Point of Reference at (800) 708-4857.

About Point of Reference: Point of Reference provides a full complement of customer reference program services to organizations determined to cultivate and capitalize on high value customer relationships. Primary business lines include ReferenceStor, a hosted reference management software solution, and TruPoints, recorded content development services based on a well-honed interview methodology. With Point of Reference, clients can finally orchestrate coordinated customer reference activities, inject references into sales and marketing opportunities with less time and hassle, and build a library of 24/7 available customer references to end burn-out. For more information visit: www.point-of-reference.com.

Media Contact: pr@point-of-reference.com

Point of Reference
David Sroka
(800) 708-4857