Customer Benchmarks to be Unveiled at Dreamforce ‘11

Data Examines Professional Services Use of Salesforce CRM and PSA

San Mateo, CA, August 20, 2011 --( Research and consulting firm, Service Performance Insight (SPI) will reveal findings of a new in-depth benchmark study of Salesforce CRM customers in the professional services industry at Dreamforce ‘11., the cloud applications company, co-sponsored the research.

Based on data from more than 200 professional services organizations (PSOs), the research will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of how PSOs are using Salesforce CRM and Professional Services Automation (PSA) solutions today. SPI will also reveal how PSOs can improve their performance by better integrating their CRM and PSA systems on

What: “Are You Selling Services? Learn How to Sell, Deliver and Bill More on”

Where: Dreamforce ’11, San Francisco Marriott Marquis, Golden Gate C2
When: Wednesday, August 31, 3:30-4:30 p.m.

SPI is dedicated to helping Professional Services (PS) organizations make quantum improvements in service productivity and profit. SPI will unveil the findings of the new research report on stage at Dreamforce.

“We will discuss best practices and performance characteristics of companies selling and delivering services with Salesforce CRM,” said Jeanne Urich, Managing Director, SPI. “We have some interesting data on what customers are doing well and what they are not doing so well. As part of the session, we will offer suggestions on how PSOs can make dramatic improvements to their operations, customer satisfaction and financial performance.”

Previous SPI research showed that Salesforce CRM is the most dominant front office solution in the industry, currently in use at one third of professional services organizations in North America. It also detailed that organizations with integrated CRM and PSA reported higher bid/win ratios, higher project margins, higher utilization and higher revenue per billable consultant.

Val Stepanova
Maria Bradley
Reidy Communications for
(415) 509-0498