Detectable Mastic for Food Producers – Detectasil® from Detectamet

Detectasil® is a new metal and X-ray detectable silicone mastic from Detectamet. It is designed to help food producers protect their products from contamination should the material get into the food. It is available in a blue or white finish and the cartridges fit into standard applicator guns.

York, United Kingdom, February 05, 2014 --( Hygienic installation is an essential food industry requirement to minimise the dangers of cross contamination. Silicone mastic is used frequently to achieve a good waterproof seal between surfaces such as wall panels, machinery installation and structural fittings.

Issues have been raised regarding the detectability of this product should it get into food, and the challenge of mice and rats habitually eating through mastic installations. “I was approached a little while ago by a food producer who thought we could help him to reduce the risk of cross contamination,” said Sean Smith, the CEO of Detectamet. “He was having trouble with silicone mastic used in his process plant.” The manager had found that bits of cured mastic were breaking away helped by the attention of some mice that were trying to get into the premises. The manager was concerned that these pieces could get into the food process.

“We were able to incorporate the detectability factor that would identify the ‘lost’ mastic and we later discovered that rodents don’t like the taste of our detectable ingredients.”

Detectasil® is available in a construction industry standard 310ml cartridge that fits into a standard applicator gun. The mastic is coloured blue or white, and it is easy to apply in temperatures from + 5°C to + 50°C. It has a good curing rate depending on the thickness and depth of the mastic applied and when cured it performs successfully at temperatures from - 30°C to + 150°C.

“We have carried out detectability tests,” Sean explained, “and both the fresh and cured mastic was visible to X-ray machines and Metal Detectors in a number of different food types.” The unopened cartridges can be stored in a cool dry place up to 12 months with no impact on performance.

At a recent presentation to leading food safety professionals the new Detectasil was warmly welcomed as another aid to the reduction of food contamination risks. For more information contact: s.smith at
Sean Smith
0044 (0) 1759 304200