Medicare Supplement Insurance Pricing Resource Unveiled by Association

Los Angeles, CA, July 11, 2020 --( The American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance has launched an online resource designed to help consumers find the best Medicare insurance prices.

"The price for Medicare Supplement insurance varies by where you live and the difference can be quite substantial," shares Jesse Slome, the national organization's director. "It's not simply a risk that you'll pay more than necessary, it's that you may be locking yourself into a policy that's hard or impossible to change."

To assist consumers, the organization unveiled a new online resource. The lowest as well as the highest price for Medicare Supplement insurance will be shown for 100-to-150 of the largest U.S. metro areas.

"We chose to show Medigap Plan G pricing for both a man and woman turning age 65," Slome explained. "That's when many individuals are first learning about their Medicare insurance options. It's also when companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars enticing consumers to call their toll free numbers."

Slome contends consumers making Medicare decisions for the first time are not aware of important facts. "They don't understand the difference between Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement insurance," Slome notes. "They are not aware of the huge price differential or the availability of discounts for Medigap insurance that can range from three to 14 percent."

The directory will be expanded between now and Medicare Annual Enrollment period. "Consumers make Medicare insurance decisions daily," Slome acknowledges. "We will keep adding to the resource so that it becomes as beneficial to as many seniors as possible."

The American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance is an advocacy and informational organization that strives to create heightened awareness for the many Medicare insurance planning options and supports insurance professionals who market Medicare insurance. To find local Medicare insurance agents in your Zip Code go to
American Association for Medicare Supplement Insurance
Jesse R. Slome