Jacobson Companies

Client Testimonials

  • “I was brought in to work with Jacobson and find a better way for us to partner with Jacobson. Specifically, we went out of our way to make sure that we have a very collaborative relationship with Jacobson. We wanted to make sure that it was more of a partnership than any other type of interaction or relationship… We used their intellectual capital and we discovered three different ways to drive our business. Jacobson helped us to design better items for our customers. They helped us find a way to reduce costs- $1.6 million worth of costs on a very small piece of our business, so it was substantial. They also helped us become a more sustainable company. They helped us eliminate waste and reduce the amount of trucks we were using to ship products. Jacobson has been a great partner for us and they’ve been a true collaborator with us. They’ve really understood what our goals were, what we were trying to drive and achieve, and they went out of their way to add value to our process and procedures… We know that Jacobson will continue to be a partner with us as we continue to grow.”

    Barilla America

    - Sam Gagliardi
  • “The thing I like most about Jacobson is the management team and the quality of the management team. They really do listen to our problems… We’ve been very happy the relationship. One of the things that is beautiful about our relationship is that you work together on projects. You say, “how can we do we design this together?” We don’t tell them how to do it; they don’t tell us how to do it. We work together to come up with the best solution. And that’s a great partner.”


    - Brad Lawless