The World Premiere of Aleichem Sholom: The Wit and Wisdom of Sholom Aleichem

Aleichem Sholom! The Wit and Wisdom of Sholom Aleichem A journey through the life, loves and laughter of the world's greatest Yiddish humorist. - June 04, 2019

Santa Monica Playhouse Presents Mary-Beth Manning's Acclaimed Solo Show "Mother- She’s With You Wherever You Go"

One daughter’s hilarious and touching journey to find herself, even with her mother's apron strings tethered around her neck. - April 29, 2013

The World Premiere of Two-Time Oscar© Nominated Screenwriter/Playwright Arnold Schulman’s Sleeping Ugly - A Very Adult Fairytale

World Premiere of two-time Oscar© nominated screenwriter/playwright Arnold Schulman's Sleeping Ugly opens at Santa Monica Playhouse in April. - April 06, 2012

French Dark-Wave, New Age Band Deleyaman Live in Concert: the "Change Things" Tour

Deleyaman creates music with spine tingling moments frequently lifting the music to emotional heights. Led by the American musician and front man, Aret Madillian, Deleyaman will be in Los Angeles to give a series of intimate concerts from April 20 - May 11, 2012 after having recorded and toured Europe. The band will introduce their music and upcoming album to an LA audience who's never before seen them live on stage. - March 17, 2012

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