Ken Brown and Tawana Williams Ask "Are You Ready to Successfully Change Your Life and Raise One Million Dollars for Detroit's Ronald McDonald?"

Ken Brown and Tawana Williams Ask "Are You Ready to Successfully Change Your Life and Raise One Million Dollars for Detroit's Ronald McDonald?"

Ken Brown and Tawana Williams are living testimonies to the fact that one can achieve and dream or reach any goal despite his or her humble beginnings or so-called disabilities if only she or he would refuse to lose and use whatever gifts or abilities one has to achieve more than anyone ever expected. - September 08, 2008

A Leap of Faith

Mr. Brown has taken on the monumental task of trying to inspire 1 million individuals during his lifetime. He feels that he has been called to do more than be a successful business owner, a great parent, he wants to help others to live the life he achieved while overcoming all odds. - May 24, 2008

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