Celebrate the 600th Birthday of Saint Joan of Arc

The 600th anniversary of the birth of Saint Joan of Arc is this Friday, January 6, 2012, and MaidOfHeaven.com, the world’s largest website about Joan of Arc, is celebrating this special anniversary of her birthday. - January 06, 2012

Joan of Arc’s 600th Birthday and the Significance of Her Birth on the Epiphany

The 600th anniversary of Saint Joan of Arc’s birthday will be next week on January 6, 2012, and author Ben D. Kennedy has released a paper to celebrate this special anniversary that details the significance of Joan of Arc’s birth on the Epiphany. - December 28, 2011

Joan of Arc Biography by Mark Twain Online

MaidOfHeaven.com announces that the famous biography about Joan of Arc by Mark Twain in now available free online in an easy to read format. - January 20, 2011

Joan of Arc's 599th Birthday Celebrated at MaidOfHeaven.com

The 599th anniversary of Saint Joan of Arc's birthday is this Thursday, January 6, 2011, and MaidOfHeaven.com, the world's largest website about Joan of Arc, is celebrating her birthday with a special page containing many historic details about her birth. - January 06, 2011

Joan of Arc Birthday Celebrated at MaidOfHeaven.com

In order to commemorate the birth of Saint Joan of Arc there is a special page available at MaidOfHeaven.com about the birth of Joan explaining the significance of her birth on January 6, 1412. - January 08, 2010

Maid of Heaven Preview Now Available at Google Books

Maid of Heaven: The Story of Saint Joan of Arc is now available for previewing at Google Books. - September 12, 2009

St. Joan of Arc's Feast Day Celebrated at MaidOfHeaven.com

The Annual Feast Day for Saint Joan of Arc is May 30th which is the anniversary of her death. In order to celebrate her amazing life on this special day MaidOfHeaven.com has set up a special page containing historic paintings and eyewitness descriptions of her final moments. - May 30, 2009

Saint Joan of Arc's Birthday Celebrated at MaidOfHeaven.com

Saint Joan of Arc was born on January 6, 1412 on the Feast of the Epiphany. In order to honor Saint Joan on her birthday MaidOfHeaven.com has set up a special page explaining the significance of her birth and life. - January 05, 2009

MaidOfHeaven.com Celebrates Saint Joan of Arc's Feast Day

Joan of Arc's feast day is celebrated every year on May 30th and is a chance to remember her for the great woman that she was and to celebrate her life. To honor Joan of Arc, MaidOfHeaven.com has set up a special page about Joan of Arc's feast day. - June 01, 2008

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