With Profound and Heartfelt Gratitude to Abel Funeral Services

With Profound and Heartfelt Gratitude to Abel Funeral Services

The El Zaribah Shrine Temple extends its deepest and most heartfelt gratitude to Abel Funeral Services for their unwavering support and loyalty to the Spencer McBride Memorial Shriners Golf Classic over the years. - December 25, 2023

Honoring Sanderson Ford: A Steadfast Supporter of the El Zaribah Shrine

Honoring Sanderson Ford: A Steadfast Supporter of the El Zaribah Shrine

The El Zaribah Shrine Temple takes great pleasure in expressing its profound gratitude to Sanderson Ford for being an unwavering pillar of support throughout the years. With heartfelt appreciation, they recognize and celebrate the invaluable contribution of Sanderson Ford to their organization's mission and the annual Shriners Golf Classic. - December 25, 2023

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