Uptick in Divorce Filings and Child Abuse Reports Hasten Early Release of Shared-Parenting Programs

An uptick in divorce rates and an increase in child abuse reports being sited in newspapers across the country during 2010, has led a cultivator of innovative children and family support services with an entertaining twist to launch its Shared-Parenting and Stepfamily Connection Groups & live chat programs five months early. - November 21, 2010

Social Networking Spurs Growth of New Service at StepfamilySystems.com

To reach more people in need of her unique brand of stepfamily support, Patricia Powe, Creative Director of A Richter Blend Stepfamily Chronicles has implemented suggestions made while earning her certification in Philanthropy. Under the instruction of Dr. Jim Erickson at La Sierra University, she... - December 25, 2009

StepfamilySystems Places Financing for Its Non-Profit Division in the Can

StepfamilySystems .com is developing a non-profit division to support stepfamilies that cannot afford to pay for the services they want and need from StepfamilySystems or any other service they might desire. However, due to its non-profit nature bankers have no interest in providing funding. As a... - October 18, 2009

"Stepfamily Straight Talk" Seeks Corporate Sponsors

New talk show, seeking to help a segment of distracted learners become better-focused students, seeks corporate sponsors for broadcast airtime and website advertising. - May 10, 2009

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