Huffman Family Dentistry


Crowns, Bridges and Dental

Crowns, Bridges and Dental


Crowns Crown is a permanent covering, set over the original tooth, to reinforce it when the tooth is fractured or there is too much decay for the tooth to be filled. Crowns can made of ceramic...

Lumineers and Veneers

Lumineers and Veneers


Lumineers by Cerinate This is a revolutionary, painless option to transform your smile, without anesthetic or the reduction of tooth surface. A thin porcelain shield improves your smile in just a...

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry


Owing to the lingering debate over the use of silver fillings or dental amalgams to fill cavities, we, at our office, when indicated, prefer to use composite resin fillings. Composite Resin bonds to...




If your child’s permanent teeth finally showing, you may want to consider dental sealants. A child’s new teeth are very susceptible to decay and cavities. Despite your child brushing...

Teeth Whitening with Sapphire Professional Whitening

Teeth Whitening with Sapphire Professional Whitening


Zero Sensitivity With Sapphire Professional Whitening you can say goodbye to sensitivity – the most common patient complaint about whitening. The Sapphire program integrates a desensitizing gel.

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