T.I.M. works, (Tomorrow's Investments Matter) Non-Profit Organization in Partnership with Jones High School, Orlando, FL

The T.I.M. works (Tomorrow's Investments Matter) non-profit organization will be involved in the Buddy Walk walkathon at Lake Eola park Saturday, 10/4 from 8a.m. - 12p.m. for the down syndrome of center Florida charities.

Orlando, FL, October 01, 2008 --(PR.com)-- The (T.I.M.) Tomorrow's Investments Matter non-profit organization which is designed to motivate professional women to give back by becoming mentors to inner city young women is pleased to announce that their 1st community service activity will be the Buddy Walk to benefit the Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida.

The organization has a partnership with Jones High School and Orlando Public Schools. This program will help to build leadership skills and help the young women to learn self respect and to gain financial independence. These young ladies are recommended by teachers/staff at Jones High School and must be a junior in high school, and have passed the FCat test in their sophomore year.

If you need photos or a list of names for their mentors and mentees at the Buddy Walk, please contact LaShon Reid 561-307-6501.

TIM Works, Corporation
LaShon Reid