TestFunda Delivered Simulated CAT Percentiler as Promised

Only TestFunda.com provided Simulated CAT Percentiler and detailed answer key at the promised time on the day of CAT. Free detailed personalized report card will further help the CAT takers.

Mumbai, India, November 19, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Immediately after CAT, all the test takers were waiting to get their percentile scores and get a fair idea of their chances of making it to the IIMs. Out of all the websites that promised to provide the CAT answer key and individual percentiles, Only TestFunda.com lived up to its time based promise. Apart from the dynamically updated answer key made available within 75 minutes, TestFunda’s Simulated CAT Percentiler was also available to all CAT takers within 45 minutes of completion of CAT. Students were provided with the expected cut-offs and their standing vis-a-vis other CAT takers on an ongoing basis. When almost all the websites that made claims of providing the same service were unable to do so, TestFunda lived up it its promise to the CAT community.

Backed by an IIT-IIM team, TestFunda.com, within 4 months of its launch (launched on 15th July 2008), has a registered user base of more than 43,000. More than 7500 new users joined TestFunda.com on one single day - 16th November and took advantage of the free CAT based inputs including subscribing to the Free detailed personalized report card. This personalized report card will provide complete analysis to the CAT taker- his areas of strengths, weaknesses, question attempt strategy, topic and chapter wise break-up of questions and future course of action to maximize scores in future tests.

All this seamless technology based inputs were made possible by the experience and expertise of core management team that has designed and delivered international award-winning education products for clients such as Discovery channel, Texas Instruments, and Pearson Prentice Hall among others.

The Free GD PI workshop conducted by TestFunda on 22nd and 23rd November is the next event to help make the Cat takers ready for the second round of selection.

Enabilon Learning PVT Ltd
Manish Velankar
B1-201 Center Point, Eldee Mills Compound, 243-A Delisle Road, 400 013, Mumbai, India