Whole Brain Planet, LLC Releases It's Revolutionary and Life Enhancing Book "Whole Brain Power"

Whole Brain Powerâ„¢ is the kind of book that only comes along once in a generation, a book that changes lives, a book that can change the planet.

Laguna Beach, CA, March 08, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Whole Brain Power™: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body.

With significant new scientific studies proving that lifelong brain training leads to superior health and fitness, Whole Brain Planet brings to people of all ages the most effective methods available today for rejuvenating brainpower, and overall physical fitness. Whole Brain Planet LLC publishes the most effective brain training book on the market today.

Whole Brain Power™ is a revolutionary method developed over twenty years by author Michael Lavery that effectively trains the brain and body to achieve enhanced memory, mental functioning, muscle and bone density, hand-eye coordination, high energy and rejuvenation. The core element of the training is built on the theory that the hands grow the brain, and ambidextrous skill development is critical to overall brain health and longevity. Mr. Lavery’s findings are based on years of personal development of his own astonishing ambidextrous skills as a golfer, baseball player, tennis player, hockey player, painter, and guitarist, as well as his daily practice of memory drills, perfect penmanship and Da Vinci-style mirror-image handwriting with his non-dominant hand. He is perhaps the most skilled ambidextrous athlete on the planet and has appeared on The David Letterman Show and ESPN showcasing his amazing hand-eye coordination skills, in which he holds numerous world records.

New Book Revolutionizes Brain Training:
Whole Brain Power™ Produces Neurogenesis and Steroidogenesis

Neurogenesis is the body’s ability to grow new brain cells, and steroidogenesis is the body’s ability to endogenously produce hormones without supplements or drugs. Neurogenesis leads to greater cognitive functioning and steroidogenesis leads to improved memory, muscle and bone density, and superior hand-eye coordination. Practitioners of Whole Brain Power™ are experiencing significant improvements in all of these areas, regardless of the practitioners’ age or athleticism. Lavery’s theories go far beyond just turning good athletes into great athletes, for Whole Brain Power™ training methodologies combined with proper nutrition and an understanding of the damaging effects on the brain from television and video games, may have breakthrough implications for preventing obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, ADD, and ADHD. From children as young as seven-years-old to adults as old as ninety-two-years-old, the results are life changing.

Whole Brain Planet has also published the Whole Brain Power Workbook & Progress Journal as well as the Whole Brain Power Book on Audio CD. All Whole Brain Planet products are available for purchase online at: www.lulu.com/wholebrainpower. The Whole Brain Power™ book is also available on Amazon.com and other online retailers worldwide.

Michael Lavery is available for print, television and radio interviews related to his Whole Brain Power™ book. Please contact Andrew McDonald to schedule an interview.

To learn more about Whole Brain Power™ please visit the website at www.wholebrainplanet.com.

Andrew E. McDonald, Business Development
Whole Brain Planet
aem@wholebrainplanet dot com

Whole Brain Planet, LLC
Andrew McDonald