A1 Info Mall Releases Unique Review Source for the Top Information Products and Online Services

The A1 Info Mall website was made available to the public and offers a free option for businesses and consumers wanting to gain opinions about products and services of all types before purchasing them.

London, United Kingdom, May 07, 2009 --(PR.com)-- AI Info Mall officially opened its new review website, a free resource for individuals and businesses searching for a comprehensive view of the available informational products on the market today. The company launched the website in an effort to answer the call for companies to cull the hype from the truth.

The website, located at www.A1InfoMall.com was designed to fill the void of much needed comprehensive insights into the vast amounts of information available today whether from internet sources or others. It accomplishes this by outlining the product itself, as well as any other source connected such as a website, and giving gritty hardnosed facts.

The website addresses various informational products such as those categorized as business to business, computing and internet, fun and entertainment, health and fitness, home and family, money and employment, sports and recreation, and society and culture. The goal is to give people a free, honest look at informational sources before investing in an actual product. Company officials believe this will prove to be an invaluable resource considering today’s economy driven market.

A1 Info Mall has an easy to read interface, a simplified layout, and is geared towards anyone needing to find out the “skinny” on a particular product whether it be a book, e-book, software, or other informational source. Users are able to access accurate reviews that are concise and professional. Users of the website are also able to actually find the products best suited for their particular needs.

Users are also able to take advantage of the streamlined search feature that will aid in time-management for busy individuals that need the information quickly. There are also free instructional guides that are available.

The website features a list of recommendations based on the company’s personal review of the product. It also makes good use of the various social media conglomerates which enables it to be accessible from virtually anywhere. Users are also able to subscribe to various RSS feeds which make it possible to get the information on a specific category and reviews on those particular products as they become available.

A1 Info Mall’s approach differs from other informational review sites in several different ways. One thing that makes it stand out from the rest, AI Info Mall is focused on providing a free service as well as maintaining access to reviews. The unique purpose of this website fills a neglected gap in honest opinion product reviews.

A1 Info Mall
Moni Arora
+44 7946 599 530